Saturday, March 3, 2012

Today's Republicans

In the last week we have had a Federal judge in Montana forward to his buddies a very degrading email about the President't mother because it gave him a warm feeling in his heart and then Rush Limbaugh on his popular radio call a young female student at Georgetown University a slut because she testified on women's health issues before Congress. And then said she should post videos of her sexual activity on the net so everyone could watch. I don't know about you all but to me these are sick people. Degrading other people is not humor. I personally think they need psychiatric help to understand their behavior. And at this point if I win the lottery I am out of here. This country has been taken over by crazies who are not grounded in reality and whose values I find dispicable.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Catholic Church

All of my children were baptized Catholic. It's the only church I've gone to for 50 years. But I do not understand when Santorum and the Catholic Church became the only voices in this country. I do understand that because the economy is improving that the GOP is back to running on God, Gays and Guns. That is sickening.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Back to what?

"Take Our Country Back" is the cry from wing nut land. And according to Rick Santorum, it's back to like the 12th Century for women. No thanks. Been there, done that.

Friday, February 10, 2012


There's an old saying that the Republicans want in your bedroom and the Democrats want in your wallet. Well, I want the Republicans out of my bedroom and the Democrats out of my wallet.  Health care for women is not a political football.  If you don't approve of abortions, don't have one.  If  you don't approve of contraception, don't use it. But your opinions don't supersede mine.  Do away with income tax and institute a sales tax.  Stop trying the exemptions for this and that.  Flat sales tax, no income tax. It's nobody's business what I make or anyone else. I am so tired of this crap that comes along every election season and it's purely for the purpose of getting the base stirred up.  It's time to put the needs of  this country front and center.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


A bunch of conservative commentators and several high-ranking people in the Republican Party have started wondering out loud why turnout for the Republican has dropped significantly. I'm wondering if they are so disconnected from reality that they don't understand what clowns they have running in the primaries. There are only so many crazies who vote.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

National Prayer Breadfast

The other day during the National Prayer Breakfast a couple of Republicans got up and walked out during the President's speech. Their complaint? He was quoting Scriptures from the Bible and explaining how his faith guided him. Wow.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

voter fraud

The election official in Indiana has been convicted of voter fraud, and him a good Republican too. What is the world coming to? We are rumored to have some voter fraud in Florida but it involves our snowbirds who vote absentee in their home states up North and then in person down hereso they vote twice. Needless to say most of them are Republicans too. And that is already against the law.